Guild Approval System

To join a guild, players must undergo a straightforward approval process by the guild master to begin purchasing a seat.

This ensures that the guild master has a curated guild with vetted members.

Guild Master Approval

Once a player requests to join a guild, there are two outcomes:

  • Accepted by Guild Master: Players can choose to buy a seat or ignore.

  • Rejected by Guild Master: Players must wait 24 hours before requesting to join the same or another guild.

Players can request to join multiple guilds simultaneously, and upon approval, are provided with the option to purchase a seat from that guild or disregard the approval.

Approval & Rejection

As a Guild Master, you can access the Guild Office and select [Join Request] to view players who have requested to join your guild. From there, you have the option to either approve or reject their application.

While there is presently no specific limit to the number of times a player can request to join a guild from which they have been rejected, the 24-hour limit will be upheld.

Last updated