Guild Quest & Donate Guide

Collaboration is key! As a guild member, you play a crucial role in fostering growth. Contribute to the guild's success by utilizing the Donate and Quests features. Don't miss out on the excitement of Guild Tournament, available from day one! Your contributions matter, and together, we'll make this season unforgettable. Get ready for an epic adventure!

Guild Quest

  1. Navigate to the Guild Lobby by tapping the [Guild] icon on the homepage.

  1. Access the [Guild Office] from the Guild Lobby to discover [Guild Quest].

  2. In the Guild Quest section, take various missions to earn rewards.

The number of quests available to you will depend on your Guild’s overall level:

Level 1-2: Embark on your guild journey with 3 quests.

Level 3-4: Level up and face the adventure with 4 available quests.

Level 5: Reach the pinnacle with 5 challenging quests to conquer.

Guild Donate

1. Access the Guild Office and select the "+" icon in Guild Resources.

2. Enhance your Guild's growth by contributing resources like Gems and Coins, leading to growth and trophies!

Donate 1,000 Gold: Your guild gains 1 Trophy for every 1,000 Gold contributed.

Donate 20 Gems: Your guild gains 1 Trophy for every 20 Gems contributed.

Daily Limit: Each guild member can make a positive impact with a daily limit of 10 donations.

Keep the flame of collaboration burning bright! Your efforts make a difference. Stay tuned for more exciting adventures and challenges. Together, we thrive!

Last updated